Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Two of Pentacles

"In the two of pentacles you see a man. He is standing in front of a lake or some body of water, it is night time, the full moon as seen in the ace is in the background, although in the two there are clouds in sky, that seem to be parting over his head, and there are no stars. The moon is lower in the picture over the water. There is a ship close but still out in the water in the distance, right in front of the ship coming out of the left of the picture, is a dolphin jumping out of the water. He is standing in tall dark grass under the night sky. The moon is shining brightly on the water, making the ship look like a mere shadow. You can see a lot of detail in the ship such as the shape of it and the masts. The sails haven't been dropped down yet and the ship seems to be coming to shore, this is a pretty large ship. The water is a clear blue and looks relatively calm, there are bars of land jutting into the water a ways behind him. He is dressed in green, gold and brown earthly colors. He looks like some type of Renaissance man, like maybe he works in the market place? On his top the brown shirt is designed with gold markings that look almost like leaves. The collar of his shirt drapes over the brown and gold top, its a dark olive green with gold beading. He is wearing a cloth had that twists around his head, it is green, brown and red, and the red hangs and dangles off of the hat, flowing down to his neck. There seems to be a yellow light energy mixed with an orangey red coming from his hands in the shape of a rainbow, and it seems he is juggling two pentacles. One is weighing heavier than the other, although he seems more interested in one than the other."
                     My eyes  seem to be drawn to the moon and the clouds in the sky. To me, this means your intuition is fuzzy and you are unsure, having trouble making a decision based on your intuition. The ship could mean this decision has to come fast, it may be something you are struggling with a large desicion between two totally different aspects of your life. The dolphin in the corner of the picture could represent that the knowledge and intelligence are there to make the decision. The man seems to be having trouble balancing to  major points in his life. You know what is more important no matter how tempting the other thing may be. Now is the time to make your decision, now is the time to gather your wits about you and figure out how to balance out these things in your life. It's time now to figure out what comes first, or who comes first, and how to make things work. With a little time and thought your decision should be clear, and balance will once again be restored.

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