Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Three of Pentacles

"In this card we see a well groomed man with a goatee, in renaissance clothing  near a fire, working with a forge. He is finishing up the third pentacle in the picture over the forge. The pentacle can't be too hot from the fire, because the man is holding it with his bare hands.  The fire has such a glow the forge seems to be a shadow in the backgroundBesides the fire it seems dim in the room, but the fire is keeping the room aglow. On the ceiling and on the beams around him there seem to be some sort of markings, a design. The wall behind the forge and the man seems to be made of some sort of stone, as not to burn with the blazing fire near it. It is if he is still learning the ropes, maybe there is a mentor involved?"

      There is a new job opportunity afoot, or a chance to meet and learn from a mentor to better your career. Maybe you will start some sort of schooling to advance in life. As the man in the picture seems to be learning. He looks content in his findings of this work. The hammer on his belt seems new like a precursor to the work he will be learning to advance his  new abilities, he couldn't have been working just yet or he wouldn't be holding the pentacle with his bare hand when it seems it would be hot from the flames, so maybe he hes just learning of what he is going to be doing and what is to come.

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