Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Four of Pentacles

"In this card you see an older man  in long purple shiny silk robes with golden fluer de lis markings on it. The sleeves seem to have shiny metal circles where the holes are. It is held closed in the midsection by a leather knotched belt, the metal circles in it just like the sleeves. He has a hat wrapped around his head it is purple with a green ribbon laced through it, the green ribbon hangs down past his waste. His bush of curly hair sticks out of the bottom back half of the hat. In the picture you see the man standing on some sort of balcony with an interestingly carved gate holding the four pentacles tightly, with an unsure look upon his face. His hands a clasped together, in a tightly locked position. In this card the moon is gibbous, almost full. and the stars are twinkling in the sky. He seems to be facing something unknown because you cannot see it in the card, but he is definitely unsure and holding tightly to those pentacles in his arms."

     You know what is coming in your future, but someone or something keeps you holding back. The man in the picture shows you are holding on too  tightly to something from your past. You are unsure if this is the proper path for you because someone or something seems to make you think differently than your intuition tells you.Let go of your anchor. Follow your own paths, carve your own journey out of the wood of life, don't live by the rules of others or you won't live on as you see fit, live your life, and if its time to let go, you let go, move on and don't let anything or anyone hold you back. Reach for the stars, and do not settle for any less.

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