Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Four of Pentacles

"In this card you see an older man  in long purple shiny silk robes with golden fluer de lis markings on it. The sleeves seem to have shiny metal circles where the holes are. It is held closed in the midsection by a leather knotched belt, the metal circles in it just like the sleeves. He has a hat wrapped around his head it is purple with a green ribbon laced through it, the green ribbon hangs down past his waste. His bush of curly hair sticks out of the bottom back half of the hat. In the picture you see the man standing on some sort of balcony with an interestingly carved gate holding the four pentacles tightly, with an unsure look upon his face. His hands a clasped together, in a tightly locked position. In this card the moon is gibbous, almost full. and the stars are twinkling in the sky. He seems to be facing something unknown because you cannot see it in the card, but he is definitely unsure and holding tightly to those pentacles in his arms."

     You know what is coming in your future, but someone or something keeps you holding back. The man in the picture shows you are holding on too  tightly to something from your past. You are unsure if this is the proper path for you because someone or something seems to make you think differently than your intuition tells you.Let go of your anchor. Follow your own paths, carve your own journey out of the wood of life, don't live by the rules of others or you won't live on as you see fit, live your life, and if its time to let go, you let go, move on and don't let anything or anyone hold you back. Reach for the stars, and do not settle for any less.

The Three of Pentacles

"In this card we see a well groomed man with a goatee, in renaissance clothing  near a fire, working with a forge. He is finishing up the third pentacle in the picture over the forge. The pentacle can't be too hot from the fire, because the man is holding it with his bare hands.  The fire has such a glow the forge seems to be a shadow in the backgroundBesides the fire it seems dim in the room, but the fire is keeping the room aglow. On the ceiling and on the beams around him there seem to be some sort of markings, a design. The wall behind the forge and the man seems to be made of some sort of stone, as not to burn with the blazing fire near it. It is if he is still learning the ropes, maybe there is a mentor involved?"

      There is a new job opportunity afoot, or a chance to meet and learn from a mentor to better your career. Maybe you will start some sort of schooling to advance in life. As the man in the picture seems to be learning. He looks content in his findings of this work. The hammer on his belt seems new like a precursor to the work he will be learning to advance his  new abilities, he couldn't have been working just yet or he wouldn't be holding the pentacle with his bare hand when it seems it would be hot from the flames, so maybe he hes just learning of what he is going to be doing and what is to come.

The Two of Pentacles

"In the two of pentacles you see a man. He is standing in front of a lake or some body of water, it is night time, the full moon as seen in the ace is in the background, although in the two there are clouds in sky, that seem to be parting over his head, and there are no stars. The moon is lower in the picture over the water. There is a ship close but still out in the water in the distance, right in front of the ship coming out of the left of the picture, is a dolphin jumping out of the water. He is standing in tall dark grass under the night sky. The moon is shining brightly on the water, making the ship look like a mere shadow. You can see a lot of detail in the ship such as the shape of it and the masts. The sails haven't been dropped down yet and the ship seems to be coming to shore, this is a pretty large ship. The water is a clear blue and looks relatively calm, there are bars of land jutting into the water a ways behind him. He is dressed in green, gold and brown earthly colors. He looks like some type of Renaissance man, like maybe he works in the market place? On his top the brown shirt is designed with gold markings that look almost like leaves. The collar of his shirt drapes over the brown and gold top, its a dark olive green with gold beading. He is wearing a cloth had that twists around his head, it is green, brown and red, and the red hangs and dangles off of the hat, flowing down to his neck. There seems to be a yellow light energy mixed with an orangey red coming from his hands in the shape of a rainbow, and it seems he is juggling two pentacles. One is weighing heavier than the other, although he seems more interested in one than the other."
                     My eyes  seem to be drawn to the moon and the clouds in the sky. To me, this means your intuition is fuzzy and you are unsure, having trouble making a decision based on your intuition. The ship could mean this decision has to come fast, it may be something you are struggling with a large desicion between two totally different aspects of your life. The dolphin in the corner of the picture could represent that the knowledge and intelligence are there to make the decision. The man seems to be having trouble balancing to  major points in his life. You know what is more important no matter how tempting the other thing may be. Now is the time to make your decision, now is the time to gather your wits about you and figure out how to balance out these things in your life. It's time now to figure out what comes first, or who comes first, and how to make things work. With a little time and thought your decision should be clear, and balance will once again be restored.

The Ace of Pentacles

"On the card you see a the pentacle as a pentagon, the pentacle is gold and green. It seems as if it is glowing. It has marking on the gold outer rimming of the pentacle,with 5 smaller green pentacles each surrounded by 3 golden dots, which are surrounding the middle. In the middle is a slightly larger pentacle golden rimming surrounding green, along the gold is the similar golden etchings and in the center of the pentacle is an intricately drawn sun. Above the pentagon you see the fullness of the moon with the twinkling stars surrounding it in the  midnight blue  sky. On the bottom half of the shining pentagram it looks as if its the sky during sunrise. It almost seems as though the pentacle is the sun in the sunrise on the bottom half of the sky.  The pentagon is above a beautiful green pasture with four trees, two in the center and one coming out of each side of the card. The grass is long and swaying in the breeze, along with the leaves and branches on the trees.  The pasture looks a little hilly and as you come down towards the foreground of the card, there is a pile of rocks with leaves growing behind and through them. There is a small bush on the left side of the card, and to the left on the rocks sits a beautiful rust colored weasel, who seems to be looking at something you cannot see on the card."

          As to the symbolism to this card, my eyes are immediately drawn to the rusty colored weasel on the bottom left hand foreground of the card.  A weasel as a noun is very rare, the rocks he is standing on are his foundation, his rock so to speak, anything that might help you get through the day and help to keep you strong, a friend, a family member, or a habit,  and the sun is the provider of life, the force of life, and also could mean you are headed in the right direction. The night sky foretells of your intuition, and the inner workings of your mind coming together to complete the journey, if your intuition tells you the time is right, the time is definitely right. The pasture is the journey you are about to embark on, the trees may be obstacles you face on the way. The whole card pulled together could symbolize  the arrival of a very new and rare opportunity in life. The sun makes this opportunity a great and shining amazing part of your life, the beginning of a new life. The perfect time to turn your life around and start over completely new. Although there is a long journey ahead, everything seems so clear, and it is very much in reach as of this moment. There may be hills in the picture, but who doesn't have to climb to get to their every dream? The time to start your journey is now, the greatness of your future may take work, but this future, it looks bright, beautiful and secure. Embrace it.